Sinopec Diesel Engine Oil CI-4 Classic 机油
CI-4 15W/40 |
CI-4 20W/50 |
Items 项目 |
Typical value 标准值
Test Methods 测试方法
Reference 参考
Typical value 标准值
Test Methods 测试方法
Reference 参考
SAE Viscosity粘度等级 |
15W-40 |
20W-50 |
Kinematic viscosity cSt@ 100° C运动粘度 |
14.15 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D5293 |
19 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D5293 |
Kinematic viscosity cSt@ 40° C运动粘度 |
107.58 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D5293 |
173.8 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D5293 |
Flash point (COC), ° C闪点 |
234 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D 92 |
244 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D 92 |
Pour point, ° C倾点 |
–36 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D 97 |
-29 |
GB/T 265 |
ASTM D 97 |
特性 Features
1. 采用加氢裂化高粘度指数基础油配制,提供更好的氧化控制。 1. Formulated with hydrocracked high viscosity index base oils, which provide improved oxidation control. 2. 杰出的烟灰和沉积物控制提供保护,防止活塞沉积物和气门机构磨损,并确保发动机清洁和平稳运行。 2. Outstanding soot and deposit control provide protection against piston deposits and valve train wear, and ensureengine cleanliness and smooth running. 3.良好的通气和起泡控制,确保保护发动机部件。 3. Excellent control of aeration and foaming ensures protection of engine parts. 4. 高质量的基础油和先进的添加剂系统可以减少油泥的堆积,减少油的稠化,从而使产品的级配时间更长,延长油的使用寿命。 4. High-quality base stocks and an advanced additive system work to reduce thebuild up of sludge and reduce oil thickening, thereby keeping the product in gradefor longer and extending oil life. 5. 高酸性中和能力,结合TBN保留,提供防锈和腐蚀保护,延长发动机寿命。 5. High acid neutralisation ability, together with TBN retention, provides rust andcorrosion protection and prolongs engine life. 6. 优异的热稳定性和氧化稳定性保护发动机免受污泥和沉积物形成造成的生锈,腐蚀和磨损。 6. Excellent thermal and oxidation stability protect the engine against rust,corrosion and wear caused by the formation of sludge and deposits. 7. 良好的弹性体兼容性,确保更长的垫圈和密封寿命。 7. Good elastomer compatibility ensures longer gasket and seal life. 8. 优异的低温性能,确保在低温下顺利启动,防止启动磨损。 8. Excellent low-temperature properties ensure smooth start up at low temperatureand protect against start-up wear. |